昨天是幼子Jayden的一岁生日,第一次做了这个以卡通为主的装饰蛋糕。这是chocolate sponge cake 夹了fresh cream + choco rice + oreo, 还特地做了swiss meringue buttercream 图外面的装饰。
Recipe 如下:
Chocolate Sponge Cake : (for 8" cake pan)
5 eggs (A)
120g caster sugar
25g golden syrup (glucose)
1/4 tsp salt
35g oil
30g cocoa powder
120g plain flour
1/4 tsp baking soda
25g milk
1. Put the pot on the fire, pour in the oil immediately to heat up and off the fire when the oil start to warm.
2. Add in the cocoa powder and stir well to dissolve the cocoa powder with oil and set aside.
3. Mix eggs, sugar, salt in the mixing bowl and whisk in high speed till thick and creamy, increase the volume until the color turn pale.
4. Add in golden syrup and whisk in medium speed until ribbon stage.
5. Mix in the sifted flour and baking soda, whisk in low speed for 3 circles to let the flour mix into the egg mixture. Then turn to medium speed and whisk for about 20 circles (about 20 seconds) to mix well.
6. Fold 1/3 to 1/2 of the batter into cocoa mixture and mix well. Pour the mixture back to the remaining batter, add in milk to mix well.
7. Pour the batter in the cake tin till 70% full.
8. Bang the cake tin on the table lightly to reduce some air bubbles
9. Bake at 170/180 degree for 40mins or until skewer comes out clean.
10. Invert cake onto a cooling rack until completely cooled. Remove cake from pan and serve.
Swiss Meringue Buttercream - taken from wendy -table for 2
60gm egg white (about 2 large whites)
100gm sugar
170gm unsalted butter (taken out from fridge and cut into 10-12 small pieces just before you start to heat the egg whites)
1. Put the sugar and egg whites in a large heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and whisk constantly, keeping the mixture over the heat, until it feels hot to the touch, about 3 minutes. The sugar should be dissolved, and the mixture will look like marshmallow cream.
2. Pour the mixture into a bowl. Put the bowl into a basin of water. The water should feel cold, like tap water on a rainy day. Do not use very cold water. Beat the meringue on medium speed until it cools and forms a thick shiny meringue, about 5 minutes.
3. Now add in add the butter, one tablespoon at a time, beating until smooth. Once all the butter is in, beat in the buttercream on medium-high speed until it is thick and very smooth, 6-10 minutes.
Baby in Papa hands. Baby in Mama hands.